Definition of Enterprise Structure: Creation of Company – Transaction Code: OX15


Enterprise structure in SAP represents the organizational framework that defines the hierarchy and relationship between different entities within an organization. It includes various elements such as company, company code, plant, storage location, sales organization, and more. These elements are essential for the smooth functioning and integration of business processes in SAP. One of the fundamental steps in setting up an enterprise structure in SAP is the creation of a company using Transaction Code (TC) OX15. This article will provide a detailed overview of the enterprise structure, the creation of a company, and the use of transaction code OX15.

Understanding Enterprise Structure in SAP

Enterprise structure in SAP is a comprehensive framework that organizes various entities within a business. It includes the following key elements:

  1. Client: The highest organizational unit in SAP, representing the enterprise as a whole.
  2. Company: Represents a legal entity within the enterprise.
  3. Company Code: The smallest organizational unit for which a complete, self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up.
  4. Plant: A location where production activities occur.
  5. Storage Location: A physical location within a plant where inventory is stored.
  6. Sales Organization: Responsible for the sale and distribution of goods and services.
  7. Distribution Channel: The means through which products or services reach the customer.
  8. Division: Represents a product line or service line within a sales organization.

Creating a Company in SAP

A company in SAP is a legal entity for which financial statements such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements are created. It is an important part of the enterprise structure and provides a framework for reporting financial data.

Transaction Code: OX15

The transaction code OX15 is used to create a company in SAP. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a company using OX15:

Step 1: Accessing the Transaction

  1. Open the SAP Easy Access Menu.
  2. Navigate to SAP Menu > Tools > Customizing > IMG > Execute Project (SPRO).
  3. Alternatively, directly enter the transaction code OX15 in the command field and press Enter.

Step 2: Create a New Company

  1. Once you are in the Create Company screen, click on the New Entries button.
  2. You will be presented with a screen where you can enter the details for the new company.

Step 3: Enter Company Details

  1. Company ID: Enter a unique identifier for the company. This can be an alphanumeric code up to 6 characters long.
  2. Company Name: Enter the official name of the company.
  3. Street: Enter the street address of the company’s headquarters.
  4. PO Box: Enter the P.O. Box number if applicable.
  5. Postal Code: Enter the postal code of the company’s location.
  6. City: Enter the city where the company is located.
  7. Country: Enter the country code where the company is situated.
  8. Language: Specify the language used for communication and documentation within the company.
  9. Currency: Enter the currency code used for financial transactions within the company.

Step 4: Save the Company

  1. After entering all the required details, click the Save button.
  2. A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the changes. Click Yes to save the new company.
  3. The system will save the new company and display a confirmation message.

Importance of Creating a Company in SAP

Creating a company in SAP is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Legal Entity: It defines a legal entity for which financial statements can be generated.
  2. Financial Reporting: It enables the generation of balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and other financial reports.
  3. Organizational Structure: It helps in defining the organizational structure and establishing relationships between different entities.
  4. Data Management: It provides a framework for managing and integrating financial data across different departments and processes.
  5. Compliance: It ensures compliance with local and international financial reporting standards.

Best Practices for Creating a Company in SAP

When creating a company in SAP, it is important to follow best practices to ensure accurate data entry and integration:

  1. Unique Identifier: Use a unique identifier for the company to avoid conflicts with other entities.
  2. Accurate Information: Ensure that all information entered is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Standard Naming Conventions: Follow standard naming conventions for consistency and easy identification.
  4. Regular Updates: Regularly update company information to reflect any changes in the organization.
  5. Documentation: Maintain proper documentation of the company creation process for future reference and audits.

The creation of a company in SAP using transaction code OX15 is a fundamental step in setting up the enterprise structure. It defines a legal entity within the organization and provides a framework for financial reporting and data management. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, organizations can ensure accurate and efficient setup of their enterprise structure in SAP. This not only facilitates smooth business operations but also enhances compliance and financial transparency.
